Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Swing - A Chapter from "Daily Inspirations from the Simple Things"


One beautiful California afternoon Aaron and I took the kids to the little park that is two blocks from our home there. It's a beautiful place that is designed for the residents here in our neighborhood. The kids love to go there because there's lot's of beautiful green grass, basketball, volleyball, soccer, climbers, slides…and yes, a swing.

I don't believe I had been on a swing since I was just a teenager. I remember we used to go to the beach and swing as high as we possibly could and then we would jump off the swing at the highest point, and just spread our wings and fly, for what seemed like a small journey. Our trust was in the soft place that we had found to fall…the sand…so forgiving of our ignorance and our disregard for danger.

So the kids were running around, climbing, sliding, and just being kids. I sat on the swing, primarily because I was looking for somewhere to sit. But then I began to swing.

The words that I will write will surely fall short of the glorious feeling that overcame me as I began to rock back and forth, carefully at first, but then the freedom from cares and worries began to take over. I found myself swinging as high as I possibly could take myself. It was so exhilarating and liberating all at once.

I became a little girl. The act of swinging and the memory of being carefree became synonymous. I was free from anything anyone thought about me. I was free from bills and financial obligations. I was free from work and stress and all the burdens life has a way of throwing on top of us. For this moment, it was me on top of the world, instead of the world on top of me. I could breathe a little better and the air seemed more crystal clear. And so did my thoughts.

The late afternoon gave way to an early sunset and night began to fall. The stars started their appearing upon the black stage of night. And it was at that moment that I really thought I could see Him looking down at me. I could feel His presence from afar, but He felt so very near. Surrounded by this warm liberation, and assured that I had His attention for this instance, my only thought was, "Lord, are You smiling?"

Sometimes we get so caught up in the cares of the world, the caring for the world, and we find ourselves at the bottom of a very heavy pile of stuff. We need to take a moment to become a child again so that we can see Him through eyes of blind innocence, without the blur of "what-if's" and "should-haves". And He looks back at us through His eyes of eternal grace.
At that moment, nothing else matters but His smile.

Ps 31:16 
Warm me, your servant, with a smile; save me because you love me. 
(The Message Bible)

 Jesus, my Friend, my prayer today is that in some small way, something I've done or said made You smile.

Free me from the cares of life, for even just a moment, so that I can clearly see Your face. Take away all the fears and worries that cause my vision to become blurred. Renew in me a child-like attitude towards You in prayer. Let it be the simple things that take meaning.

And Jesus, when You look down upon me, your servant, smile.

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